Workouts don't always go as planned.

5 Reasons Your Not Reaching You're Fitness Goals

house Austin Hammond Dec 14, 2023

5 Reasons Your Not Reaching You're Fitness Goals

Negative Self-Talk/Self-Doubt

Remember the last time thinking negatively improved your life? Ohh, that’s right, the answer is never, negative self-talk has never improved your circumstances. So why do we do it so frequently, why are we so DAMN hard on ourselves?

When you wake up and get out of your own way you can accomplish anything. You’re automatically setting limitations on yourself and negatively impacting your life. This is a negative loop that is hard to break free from.

Working out from a place of self-hatred will only give you negative results. You will either A) Try and workout as hard as possible and get really sore so it feels like you did something or B) Have a bad workout and be even harder on yourself for not getting in a “good” workout. Exercise should be something you do to revitalize your body and to show appreciation for what it can do.

So, what can help? You should be speaking to yourself like you're giving advice to a good friend(or talking to your favorite pet). Viewing yourself from a third person will make you realize you should be speaking to yourself in a much better way. Honestly, your self-talk can be a real ASSHOLE and you shouldn’t always take it’s advice. We are our harshest critics.

Positive thinking and reinforcement is the only way forward. If you want true progression you need to be working out from a place of self-love and realizing the time you invest in yourself is worth it. Positive reinforcement afterall, is proven to be the most effective way to change behaviors. Be freakin nice to yourself.

Flying Blind (No Plan)

You walk into the gym, look at the first open piece of equipment and start busting out reps. Having absolutely no plan going into a workout can waste your time. An effective workout is a well programmed one. It’s easy to make you sore, it’s hard to push you just hard enough that you’re not too sore but can easily come and workout next time. The mentality of hustle hard/rise and grind is a lie

Having a clear timeframe, a well designed program, and how to cleanly eat to get to your protein goal can go a long way. All of these combined will promote consistency.

Lack of Accountability

Here’s the deal, there’s an absolute plethora of free information online. You can get absolutely free programs for anything you're trying to pursue, from powerlifting to calisthenics. It’s all there ready for you, but many people (myself sometimes included) need that extra push and to have someone hold them accountable.

This could be a workout buddy (I don’t suggest this all the time, everybody’s body is different and will have different fitness needs), a spouse, or even a good online personal trainer *shameless plug*. Having that experienced support of a trainer can help make a custom tailored program to fit your needs. Everyone is different, and your workouts should be uniquely designed to give you 100% benefit when you're doing them.

It’s Not Sustainable

You're going too hard too fast (laughs a bit because I’m still 12). But seriously, it’s taken you years to get to where you were and we expect results in 6-8 weeks. This unrealistic view results in burnout, setting more intentional and realistic goals helps establish healthy expectations. This isn’t an overnight thing, which is why being able to be consistent with whatever program fits your life is so important.

If you only have 20 mins a day, great, make it happen. That steady commitment is what results in permanent change, not just a 2 month commitment. The goal is to not shock your system, but to make micro changes along the way that result in a healthier overall lifestyle. Eat sour cream on your burrito? Maybe try greek yogurt instead.

The process needs to be enjoyable, if it’s not you’re not going to be able to keep committed to it for the long term. I’d rather see someone take longer to get into the shape they want and be able to stay that way than do it in 2 months (not good for you btw) and crash back even worse after it’s over. Real, long lasting results take time and it definitely takes some time to trust the process.

You’re Not Prioritizing Your Health

“I don’t have time.” “I’ll start next week.” “I’m super busy at work.” There’s a million reasons to never start, but do yourself a favor and start now. Health is wealth and you’ll always find an excuse to not start. If you're SUPER busy all the time, find 15 minutes a day to do a workout. Can’t make it to the gym? Invest in some home equipment (a sandbag is $40-$50 on Amazon and I actually have an entire program I’d be happy to send you for FREE). Make your health a priority and all other facets of your life will improve.

In an airplane if the cabin becomes depressurized oxygen masks come down, the instructions are to apply the mask to yourself first and then your children or any passengers who need help. Your health is just like that, in order for you to help others you need to help yourself first. It may feel selfish taking time out of your life (make your kids see you working towards your goals!) to exercise, but giving yourself oxygen helps all of those around you as well.

If you found this information useful or want to talk more, shoot me over a message!